Retelling the Nitty-Gritties

Growing up, we forgot to remind ourselves of us – of things that need constant retelling. Here are a few words that may comfort you, cause you to think a little more, and then a little less.

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“Remembrance. It’s all we take back. Make memories. Make more.”

“Life – we throw this word around a lot. It’s not one or two things that have happened to you. It’s everything – the movement of your eyes from the left to the right of the page, your choice of food, the warmth you feel in your heart for your Mom, your pet’s puffy eyes in the morning.”

“Like a lot of others, it’s not necessary that YOU are the most important person in your life. Your most important people could be your parents, your husband, your Grandmom.”

“Music heals, comforts and rescues.”

“Don’t believe it when people tell you you’re jinxing your own happiness by being too happy or too excited. Whether you believe in karma and destiny or not, you’res till going to get your fair share of joy-sanctity-despair-bliss-melancholy-pleasure-worry.”

“You change, as does everything and everyone around you.”

“Your strengths can be your weaknesses too – Honesty, affection, simplicity. But you’ll gradually learn to play on your strengths.”

“It’s never going to be enough. A little more time, a little more love, a little more wine, a little more light, a little more of today – you’re always going to want more.”

“There will be nights when you won’t be able to pull it together. You’ll watch your favorite shows and movies only so you can sob a little more. You’ll lock yourself in the washroom so you don’t wake up your roommate with your voice getting louder each time you think of some fond memory that carved a significant place in your heart that’s too fragile at that moment. There’ll be days you’ll want to run away from crowded places to your cubbyhole. You’ll withdraw. Maybe you’ll dance it out or drink to numbness. You’ll deal with the prolonged moroseness in different ways, every time. And eventually, slowly, after a lot of pain, you’ll get past it. You will.”

“You’re going to lose the people you love, sometime. Maybe you’ll lose them many times, and each time, you’ll have to find a way to bring them back. Restore the faith. Replenish the love.”

“There’s a long way to go – lots to learn, lots to read, lots to eat, lots of people to love, lots of decisions to make, lots of music to hear, lots of cities to visit, lots of clothes to buy. You’ve got lots of days yes, but the things you want to do will outnumber the days you have, everyday. Embrace the moments, all of them.” 

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